Method for dyeing clothing with Fustic Chips
Always remember to take the necessary precautions before setting off on your dyeing project. Clear a suitable area, wear gloves, old clothing and use equipment thats only used for dyeing. Work in a well ventilated area, away from pets and children.
– Fustic is an easy dye to use. Put around 50g grams of fustic wood chips in a saucepan.
– Pour boiling water over and then leave them overnight.
– The following day, simmer the chips in the water for about an hour.
– Leave the dye bath to cool down for an hour or two and then pour the contents of the saucepan through a sieve to filter out the chips.
– Spread the chips out to dry and keep in a cool dry place. These can be re-used several times.
– Check and make sure that the garment that you wish to dye is ready for dyeing. Follow our scouring guide if you’re not sure. This ensures the best results, since scoured clothing takes up the dye pigment much more effectively.
– Don’t forget to remove the chips before adding your garment otherwise the chips will stick to the fibres, removing them later is time consuming!
– If you’re using wool, Add 100 grams of wool mordanted with alum to the dye bath and simmer for 30 minutes. Take the wool out and add another 100 grams of wool for paler colours. Check our scouring guide to get the best results with wool yarn.